License for the Examples from the Book
Java Examples in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition

0. Definitions For the purposes of this license, "the book" means the second edition of the book Java Examples in a Nutshell. "The examples" means the Java programs and other source code included in the book, and available for download from the website

1. Copyright The examples are Copyright © 2000 by David Flanagan. All rights reserved.

2. No Warranty The examples are provided as-is, with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. The examples were written to teach Java programming concepts and techniques, and are not intended as production-quality software. In particular, they have not been carefully tested. Neither David Flanagan nor the publisher O'Reilly & Associates is responsible for any loss or damages of any kind resulting from the use of these examples.

3. Non-commercial Use You may study, use, modify, and distribute these examples for any non-commercial purpose, as long as the copyright notice at the top of each example is retained. You may use the examples in software you develop for personal use, in software used internally by non-profit institutions, and in software that is publicly released under an open-source license.

4. Educational Use If you are an educator at non-profit educational institution, you may use the examples for educational purposes in your courses. Please make the book a required or recommended text for the students in your course.

If you are an educator at a for-profit educational institution or at an organization whose primary purpose is not education, you may also use the examples in your courses, but you must ensure that each of your students purchases or is given a copy of the book.

5. Commercial Use The examples were developed to demonstrate Java programming concepts and techniques. They are not intended as production code, and have not been through any kind of rigorous testing or validation. Nevertheless, if you find the code useful, and would like to use it commercially, you may purchase a commercial use license for a nominal fee. Visit for information on obtaining such a license.

Upon payment, a commercial use license entitles you to use the examples and modified versions of the examples in commercial software. "Commercial software" includes software written for sale and software written for internal use by a for-profit organization (including your own organization) It does not include software that you write solely for your personal use, software written for internal use by non-profit organizations, and software that is publicly released under an open-source license.

Note that a commercial-use license does not entitle to you sell or otherwise commercially distribute the examples or modified versions of the examples as examples. You may only commercially distribute the examples when they are integrated into your commercial software.

Note that purchase of a commercial-use license does not provide any kind of warranty, expressed or implied, for the examples