Linux Assembly Tutorial


Written by: Derick Swanepoel (
Version 1.0 - 2002-04-19, 01:50am

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JMP Step-by-Step Guide


1. Intro
2. Comparison of a Linux assembly program and a DOS assembly program
3. More About Linux System Calls
4. Command Line Arguments and Writing to a File
5. Compiling and Linking

1. Intro

This Quickstart aims to show you the ropes on Linux assembly as quickly as possible. Basically, it just points out the differences between a Linux and DOS assembly program with just enough explanation not to confuse you. For more detail and why things are the way they are, see the Step-by-Step Guide.

2. Comparison of a Linux assembly program and a DOS assembly program

Linux DOS

	hello:     db 'Hello world!',10
	helloLen:  equ $-hello



	; Write 'Hello world!' to the screen
	mov eax,4            ; 'write' system call
	mov ebx,1            ; file descriptor 1 = screen
	mov ecx,hello        ; string to write
	mov edx,helloLen     ; length of string to write
	int 80h              ; call the kernel

	; Terminate program
	mov eax,1            ; 'exit' system call
	mov ebx,0            ; exit with error code 0
	int 80h              ; call the kernel

.STACK 200h

	hello      db 'Hello world!',10,13,'$'
	helloLen   db 14


	mov ax,@data
	mov ds,ax

	; Write 'Hello world!' to the screen
	mov ah,09h            ; 'print' DOS service
	mov dx,offset hello   ; string to write
	int 21h               ; call DOS service

	; Terminate program
	mov ah,4Ch            ; 'exit' DOS service
	mov ax,0              ; exit with error code 0
	int 21h               ; call DOS service
Compiling: nasm -f elf hello.asm
Linking: ld -s -o hello hello.o
Compiling: tasm hello.asm
Linking: tlink hello.obj

Lets compare each part in the two programs:

In this case it looks like it's more work than in DOS, but when it comes to creating, reading and writing files, Linux syscalls are much easier to use than their DOS counterparts.

3. More About Linux System Calls

There are six registers that are used for the arguments that a system call takes. The first argument goes in EBX, the second in ECX, then EDX, ESI, EDI, and finally EBP, if there are so many. If there are more than six arguments, EBX must contain the memory location where the list of arguments is stored.

All the syscalls are listed in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h, together with their numbers. However, for your convenience you can simply find them in this Linux System Call Table, together with some other useful information (eg. what arguments they take). The syscalls are fully documented in section 2 of the manual pages, so you can just go man 2 write to find out what the write syscall does, what arguments it takes, etc.

4. Command Line Arguments and Writing to a File

section .data
	hello     db	'Hello, world!',10	; Our dear string
	helloLen  equ	$ - hello		; Length of our dear string

section	.text
    global _start

	pop	ebx		; argc (argument count)
	pop	ebx		; argv[0] (argument 0, the program name)
	pop	ebx		; The first real arg, a filename

	mov	eax,8		; The syscall number for creat() (we already have the filename in ebx)
	mov	ecx,00644Q	; Read/write permissions in octal (rw_rw_rw_)
	int	80h		; Call the kernel
				; Now we have a file descriptor in eax

	test	eax,eax		; Lets make sure the file descriptor is valid
	js	skipWrite	; If the file descriptor has the sign flag
				;  (which means it's less than 0) there was an oops,
				;  so skip the writing. Otherwise call the filewrite "procedure"
	call	fileWrite

	mov	ebx,eax		; If there was an error, save the errno in ebx
	mov	eax,1		; Put the exit syscall number in eax
	int	80h		; Bail out

; proc fileWrite - write a string to a file
	mov	ebx,eax		; sys_creat returned file descriptor into eax, now move into ebx
	mov	eax,4		; sys_write
				; ebx is already set up
	mov	ecx,hello	; We are putting the ADDRESS of hello in ecx
	mov	edx,helloLen	; This is the VALUE of helloLen because it's a constant (defined with equ)
	int	80h

	mov	eax,6		; sys_close (ebx already contains file descriptor)
	int	80h
; endp fileWrite
.STACK 200h

filename	db 14 dup (0)
filehandle	dw
hello		db 'Hello World!',10,13,'$'
helloLen	db 12


	mov	AX,@DATA
	mov	ES,AX                  ; Point ES to the data segment for now

	mov	ah,62h
	int	21h                    ; Get the PSP
	mov	ds,bx
	mov	bx,81h                 ; Starting at the first printable character
	add	bl, byte ptr [ds:80h]  ; Get address of last character
	mov	cl, byte ptr [ds:80h]  ; Also put it in CL
	inc	cl
	mov	[ds:bx], word ptr 0    ; Null terminate the argument

	mov	si,81h
	mov	di,0                   ; Copy the first argument into the data segment
	rep	movsb                  ;  into the filename variable

	mov	AX,@DATA
	mov	DS,AX                  ; Point DS to the data segment, like normal

	call	fileCreate
	call	fileWrite
	call	fileClose

	mov	AX,4C00h
	int	21h                    ; Bye-bye!

proc fileCreate
	mov	ah,3Ch                 ; Creat DOS service (yes, it is called 'creat')
	mov	cx,0                   ; File attributes
	mov	dx,offset filename     ; Put ADDRESS of filename in DX
	int	21h

	mov	[filehandle],ax        ; File handle is returned in AX, put in a variable
endp fileCreate

proc fileClose
	mov	ah,3Eh
	mov	bx,[filehandle]
	int	21h
endp fileClose

proc fileWrite
	mov	ah, 40h
	mov	bx, [filehandle]
	mov	dx, offset hello       ; ADDRESS of string to be written
	xor	cx, cx                 ; If I don't do this, things blow up in my face
	mov	cl, [helloLen]         ; VALUE of length of string to be written
	int	21h
endp fileWrite

As you can see, the Linux program is much simpler than the DOS one (40 lines in Linux, with liberal commenting, vs. 66 for DOS). Everything makes sense in the Linux program, whereas a lot of the stuff in the DOS one still makes me go "Huh?" Lets check out the differences:

  1. Firstly, getting the command line arguments of the Linux program is way easier than the DOS one. All the arguments are sitting on the stack when the program starts, so all we need to do is pop them off. The first value popped off is the number of arguments (called argc in C/C++), the second is the name of the program, and finally we get the actual command line arguments. Coolest of all, when we pop the command line argument off the stack, it actually puts the address of that string in EBX, so once again no segment/offset missions.
    This just took us an entire 3 instructions - compared to the 14 insane ones for the DOS program! No messing around with PSPs and stuff - simple, isn't it?
  2. NB: NASM doesn't have procedures like you may have used in TASM. That's because procedures don't really exist in assembly: everything is a label. So if you want to write a "procedure" in NASM, you don't use proc and endp, but instead just put a label (eg. filewrite:) at the beginning of the "procedure's" code. If you want to, you can put comments at the start and end of the code just to make it look a bit more like a procedure (like I did in the example).
  3. NB2: When you jump to a label with JMP or any of the jump instructions, you don't RET from it. Never! If you're lucky it won't explode on you, but it's definitely not right. The only time you RET is when you've called the "procedure" with CALL. Otherwise you're just going to have to jump around like a kangaroo weaving a spaghetti code masterpiece. (Note that this is applicable to any assembly, not just Linux or NASM).
  4. Next we create the file: notice the file permissions in Linux (you can find out more about them by reading the creat syscall's manpage – yes, it is spelled "creat"). Since we want to be smart with Linux, why not also include some error checking while we're at it? We can easily check if the creat syscall failed by checking the value it returned: if it's less than 0 then something broke, so skip the writing part and exit with the error code.
  5. Now we write 'Hello world!' to the file using the file descriptor (called file handle in DOS) returned by the creat syscall. Then we close it, and exit.
Not so hectic at all.

On the side: If you look at the DOS service functions (int 21h), you may notice that there are quite a few that have exactly the same names as their Unix/Linux syscall counterparts – even though DOS is quite unlike Unix and very much incompatible with it. For example: DOS 3Ch = CREAT, Unix 08h = creat and DOS 43h = CHMOD, Unix 0Fh = chmod. Mmm... so where did these DOS functions get their names? From Unix of course! What is really amusing is that Microsoft never bothered to spell "CREAT" right – they kept it exactly like Unix's "creat".

5. Compiling and Linking

To compile a program with NASM:

nasm -f elf program.asm
To link the object file produced by NASM into an executable:
ld -s -o program program.o
The -f elf option tells NASM to compile this in Linux ELF format. This option is necessary because NASM can compile many different formats (even DOS .COM files if you're so inclined).
The -s option for Ld tells it to strip all symbol information (which you don't need) from the output file. -o program specifies the name of the output executable file. If you leave it out it will always be a.out

Appendix A. References

Writing a useful program with NASM
The NASM documentation
Introduction to UNIX assembly programming
Linux Assembler Tutorial by Robin Miyagi
Section 2 of the manpages